Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Feeling Girly?

Come and get "girly" with glass bead artist Stephanie Sersich. Stephanie's 2-day "Girly Girl" Master Class will be held at Rebecca's Studio on October 2 & 3rd, 2009. In this two-day workshop, we'll make large and small glass beads and buttons for earrings, pendants and a bracelet and also create several simple pieces of jewelry featuring your handmade components. The emphasis will be on making jewelry that's cute and fun. We'll be using hearts and flowers for motifs and combining colors like pink, red and purple...and of course, anything else your heart desires. Each student will complete at least two pairs of drop earrings, a wire-work pendant and a simple feminine bracelet. Come and be girly!

Class cost: $300.00 plus $25.00 material fee.

Stephanie will also be teaching an Intermediate Lampwork Glass Master Class on October 4 & 5th, 2009. Join Stephanie as she shows you how to produce the beads you’ve always imagined for your jewelry designs. In the workshop, students will learn how to make necklace components, some not formed on a mandrel at all. Participants will explore off-mandrel techniques to make pendants, buttons and beyond. Stephanie uses a variety of shapes, such as hearts, pods, and starfish to create the matrix (core bead) of her designs. Emphasis will be placed on learning an array of decorative techniques in hopes each student can utilize them to create something truly their own. This will be a unique opportunity for participants to learn from Stephanie’s eleven years of experience, and boundless creative energy.

Class cost: $300.00 plus $25.00 material fee.

Contact Rebecca's Studio at (231) 929-8101 for registration and more information.